Wednesday, December 18

StrathOykel,Rosehall&Lairg GC. Boxing Day Shoot, High Gun Sam Hunter 25/75

Strathoykel, Rosehall, & Lairg GC.

StrathOykel,Rosehall&Lairg GC.
Boxing Day Shoot,
25 DTL Re-Entry,
30 Bird Sporting Re-Entry,
A great day was had at Achness on Boxing day,
with 75 dtl entries and 50 sporting entries.
25 DTL scores.
1st S Hunter   75
2nd I Morrison 75
3rd= K Mackay 73
3rd= W Lamont 73
5th  R Kling       72
6th D Alford      71
7th A S Mackay 70
Junior scores.
1st D Hunter 70
2nd= N Sutherland 64
2nd= C Morrison    64
30 Bird sporting results.
1st DD Mackay 29
2nd D Alford      27
3rd= M Munro   23
3rd= S Mackay  23
5th  A S Mackay 22
Junior result.
1st C Munro 20

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