Wednesday, February 25

ARMADALE GUN CLUB Armadale Gun Club Annual Trophy Shoot 15th March 25dtl and 15 pairs double rise. Re-entry and raffle. Entries from 10:30 All mothers welcome!



Evening Folks. Thanks to all 27 guns who joined us today for the Armadale Gun Club Trophy Shoot.
High Gun Gordon MacKenzie. Second place Danny Bisset. Third Finlay Campbell.
First place DTL after shoot off went to sudden death Ian Munro. Second place DTL Danny Bisset. Third place DTL Gordon MacKenzie.
First place DoubleRise Gordon MacKenzie. Second place DoubleRise Donnie Reid. Third place DoubleRise Brian Lyall.
Re-entry Finlay Campbell.
Well done to all who took part in what was a good days shooting.
Next Shoot Saturday 18th April

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scores on the doors ??

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